Militia of the Immaculata
The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is an International Public Association of the Faithful, erected by the Holy See. Founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917, it is open to Catholics of all walks of life and promotes total consecration to Mary as a most effective way to live one’s Baptism and Confirmation. The MI encourages all people of good will to develop a trusting relationship with Our Blessed Lady. The aim of the MI is “to win the whole world for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculata,” Mother of God and of the Church.
“The MI is a global vision of Catholic life under a new form,
consisting in the bond with the Immaculata, our universal Mediatrix before Jesus.”
(St. Maximilian Kolbe, KW 1220)
The MI is called to be "woven into" every part of the ecclesial and social fabric of the Church and is committed to providing its members with Catholic formation in the spirituality and mission of St. Maximilian Kolbe. Through total consecration to Mary Immaculate, individuals respond with her to the universal call to holiness and are transformed into generous missionary disciples of Christ and instruments in Our Lady’s hands for the coming of the Kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart in all hearts.
MI members, mindful of their call to evangelize, strive to give witness to the Faith everywhere in order to lead every individual with Mary to Christ, Our Savior and Our Hope.
MI staff is available to offer presentations on St. Maximilian Kolbe, total consecration to Mary, the call to holiness and evangelization and other relevant topics.
For more information on the MI or to request the MI to come to your parish, please contact:
Militia of the Immaculata - USA
P.O. Box 5547 - Peoria, IL 61601
(331) 223-5564