St. Dominic Parish

St. Dominic, Wyoming

303 N. Galena Avenue
Wyoming, IL


Great (enclosed)
4' Swell to Great
Swell to Great
16' Swell to Great
16' Great to Great
Great Unison Separation
4' Great to Great
8' Open Diapason
8' Melodia
8' Dulciana
4' Flute Harmonic

Swell (enclosed)
16' Swell to Swell
Swell unison separation
4' Swell to Swell
16' Bourdon T.C.
8' Stopped Diapason
8' Echo Salicional
4' Flute D'Amour
2 2/3' Quint
2' Piccolo
8' Oboe
8' Vox Humana
Swell Tremolo

Pedal (enclosed)
16' Pedal Bourdon
16' Pedal Lieblich Gedeckt
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal

9 stops over two manuals and full pedal


The original St. Dominic’s Church was built in 1880, but in May of 1928, plans were announced for a new church.  It was during the building of the church in 1930 that a new organ was installed in the choir loft. It was built by Hinner Organ Company of Pekin, Illinois. The action of the organ is electric, and the console is detached.  The organ is still used for liturgical services and the parish is presently considering restoration of the instrument.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1579
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