
Inspiring Talks, Adoration, Mass, Confession, Games, Food & More!

March 24, 2018

Spalding Pastoral Center, Peoria

High Schools Teens in Grades 9-12


When & Where is the 2018 Youth Rally?

The Youth Rally will be held at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria, IL on Saturday, March 24th from 12 – 8pm (note the change from previous years). Registration begins at 11:30am. Mass will be at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

How much does it cost to attend the Youth Rally?

The registration fee is $30/person. Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 7th. The cost of registration includes all talks, food, drinks, games, dinner and rally t-shirt. Payment made after the March 7th deadline does not guarantee a t-shirt.

Are scholarships available for those who cannot afford the Youth Rally?

Yes, there are a limited amount of scholarships for those with financial need. Contact the Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation for more info.

When should I register my group?

Groups should register ASAP. Our capacity for this year’s Youth Rally will be 300 attendees. Early registration guarantees that your group gets in.

If I don’t belong to a youth group, how do I register for the Youth Rally?

Individuals who are not part of a youth group must contact Karley Bates (309) 677-7006 or kbates@cdop.org for more info on how they can join an existing youth group to attend the Youth Rally.

Do youth group leaders, chaperones and volunteers have to register for the Youth Rally?

Yes. All adults attending must also register, and have all pertinent legal forms in the possession of the adult leader during the rally.

Will food be provided? Is there a cost?

The meal covered by the registration is dinner. Lots of drinks and snacks will also be provided at the rally. Please eat lunch before or on your way to the Youth Rally.

I am a priest, and I would like to offer my services to hear confessions on Saturday. Whom should I contact?

Please contact Karley Bates at (309) 677-7006 or kbates@cdop.org. We would love for as many clergy to be present at this Youth Rally as possible.

How can I get more information?
Contact the Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation
Sr. Ana Pia sranapia@ccdop.org
Karley Bates kbates@cdop.org
(309) 677-7006

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1579
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