Father Chase Hilgenbrinck

Born: Quincy, Illinois
Birthday: April 2, 1982
Ordained May 24, 2014
Current assignment:
Diocesan Vocation Director for Recruitment (2020).
Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Mary, Moline; St. Mary, East Moline; St. Anne, East Moline; Our Lady of Guadalupe, Silvis; and Chaplain team member of Alleman High School, Rock Island (2014).
Remaining Parochial Vicar of St. Mary, Moline; St. Mary, East Moline; St. Anne, East Moline; and Chaplain team member of Alleman High School, Rock Island (2015).
Assistant Chaplain of St. John Catholic Newman Center, University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.