Stewardship Blog


1 Cor 12:25-27: There may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another.  If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.  Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. 1 […]

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Heavenly Father, Your Son ascended in great triumph to sit at your right hand. You sent your Spirit to watch over us, guide us and teach us to be better stewards of your abundant gifts.  Through your Spirit may we be inspired every day to live in accordance with the Gospel, and to give witness […]

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Generosity With Our Gifts

Dear Lord, Thank You for teaching me to be generous as You have been  generous with me. Thank You for showing me that all I am and have are gifts from You and that these gifts from you, Lord, are meant to be shared. Show me the joys of generosity. Help me to understand that […]

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Father in Heaven, We thank You today for Your blessings that you bestow upon us all. Father, I pray for our parish today. Lord, may we all give with gladness and sincerity.   No one ever gives a present to someone with reluctance so help me never to give You what already belongs to You with […]

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Parish Renewal

Father in Heaven, Your Easter Grace is upon us, giving us impressions of beginning new goals and a fresh sense of hope. We thank you for the gift of the days you have entrusted to us. Though we cling to our own expectations, teach us to be good stewards of our time ahead. Focus our […]

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Lent 2017

Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting and Christian service, so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint. Bestow on us, a spirit of always pondering on what is right and of hastening to carry it out according to Your will. Through […]

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Making Giving Easy

Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings You have bestowed upon us, both spiritual and temporal. Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us […]

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Developing Stewardship

Gracious and Loving God, open our hearts so that we may discern your will, and trust you in the choices that we make each day. Renew our lives so that we may always reflect your love in our encounter with others. Breathe in us new life so that we may be inspired to bring comfort […]

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Call to Stewardship

Heavenly Father, open my heart to hear the Gospel and grant me the confidence to proclaim the Good News to others. Pour out your Spirit, so that I might be strengthened to go forth and witness to the Gospel in my everyday life through my words and actions. I pray that I might hear the […]

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Thank you Lord for all the beautiful things we experience in life. Thank you for the water that cleanses, the cloths that bring warmth, the food that nourishes and the home that gives comfort. Thank you for those who love us and care for us. Thank you for the gift of Christ, your son, his […]

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Unclutter my Life

“Where should I begin to unclutter my life? I have yielded to temptation and filled my days with more commitments than I can comfortably manage. Help me to make myself a little less busy. I have crowded my space with gadgets and possessions. Help me to let go of whatever I cling to. I have […]

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Managing Time & Talent

God, You invite us to share the gift of life in service to others. Be with us as we show Your presence in our world. Give us courage and generosity to respond to Your love. We pray for those who serve You in ministry in our parishes. May we bear the Good News to those […]

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Lord God, You sent your Spirit to heal the separation between people. You revealed your Father as the Father of all people; a Father who cares for every single individual and embraces them with love and mercy. It is that love and mercy, made manifest by your cross, that shines your light on us all, […]

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God, give us the courage to live Your Gospel fully even when it brings risk, to share Your Word vibrantly even if it leads to scorn, and to respond to others generously even when we feel like holding back. Show us the way to live as good stewards of Your presence among us, and in […]

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Commitment to Stewardship

Lord God, You alone are the source of every good gift and the mystery of each human life.  We praise You and we thank You for Your great power and Your tender, faithful love.  You have given us Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Fill our minds with His truth and our hearts with His love, that […]

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Breaking through Barriers

Gracious and Loving God we give you thanks and praise for releasing your spirit upon us and pray that it will break through the many barriers that divide nations and people. Let your Spirit open our minds so that we may gain the wisdom to work together for reconciliation and peace, and unite our talents […]

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Easter Prayer

Our Risen Savior, we give you thanks for the awe-inspiring gift of Easter and the redemption we enjoy as a result of our gift. We give you thanks for calling us your friends and allowing us to share Your Body and Blood in the holy Eucharist.  Oh merciful Lord, Redeemer and Teacher, by the power […]

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Stewardship Lenten Prayer

God of mercy, You have given us this special time to reflect on our lives, believe in the Good News and draw closer to You. May this season of Lent help us use this time to fast and pray, be more generous and show others how to live in Christ. Let us see each day […]

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How Does Your Parish Measure Up

This document is a great tool to follow the improvement of your parish throughout the year.  Your Stewardship committee should use this as a starting point and then update it once a year.  This will help you to see certain areas that need more focus.  You may download this document as a PDF or Excel […]

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The Checklist is a good way to begin a stewardship program in your parish.  Forming a Stewardship committee can help add a lasting and vibrant way of life in your parish.  This checklist will help the Stewardship committee stay on track and should be updated quarterly.  You may download the checklist as a PDF or […]

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O Lord, giver of life and source of freedom, we know that all we have received is from your hand. Gracious and Loving Father, You call us to be stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all you have entrusted to us. Help us to always use Your gifts wisely and teach us to share […]

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Loving God, I come to you in thanksgiving, knowing that all I am and all that I have is gift from you. In faith and love, help me to do your will. I am listening, Lord God. Speak your words into the depth of my soul, that I may hear you clearly.  I offer to you this day […]

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Lord, I Invite You

Lord, I invite you to live in my life today. Here is my face – Smile through it. Here is my mouth – Speak to someone with it. Here are my ears – Listen to someone with them. Here is my heart – Love someone with it. Here are my arms – Hug someone with […]

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Example Brochure

The Stewardship Tri-Fold Brochure is a wonderful way to get your parish members more involved in the parish.  Once a year it would be good to mail this out to all your parish members.  You may download the brochure as a PDF or as Publisher document to add your own look and ministries to it.  […]

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